Roxana Kreimer

  • Philosopher

    November 2, 1959


    Buenos Aires, Argentina


    64 Years Old



    Other Information

    Occupation Philosopher
    Nationality Argentina
    Citizenship Argentina
    Education Buenos Aires' University
    Parents Mario Kreimer, Renée Pelisch
    Religion Atheism


    Roxana Kreimer was born on November 2, 1959, in Buenos Aires , Argentina. She is a writer, with a degree in Philosophy and a doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, a journalist, a popularizer of philosophy, and a music composer.

    Career & Family

    Her father (Mario Kreimer) was a pianist and her mother (Renée Pelisch) was a public translator of English. She completed her primary studies in the Northlands (1965-1971), and her secondary studies at the “Juan Ramón Fernández” Higher Education Institute in Living Languages ​​(1972-1976).


    Roxana studied journalism at the Instituto Grafotécnico (1976). She graduated in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (1996-2002), specializing in Practical Philosophy (politics and ethics). She received a scholarship from the Presidency of the Nation Award for the highest average in the country in philosophy majors (1999), and a doctoral scholarship from Conicet, directed by Dr. Ricardo Maliandi (2002-2004). She received her doctorate in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (2004).


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