Marcela Basteri

  • Actress

    December 10, 1946


    Carrara, Italy


    77 Years Old



    Other Information

    Death of Date 1992
    Occupation Actress, Model
    Nationality Italian
    Citizenship Italian
    Height 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m)
    Children 3
    Parents Vanda Tarrozzo, Sergio Basteri


    Italian famous Actress and Model Marcela Basteri, who worked in the fashion industry. She was hooked to acting from her early days and entered the film industry through modeling.


    Marcela Basteri is an Italian woman. She was famous for being the mother of Luis Miguel, one of the most successful singers in Latin America, who has sold over 100 million records worldwide. Everybody who worked around him said he was rude, violent, and had a cocaine addiction. It is reported that in 1986 she flew back to Italy, in the company of her 4-year-old son, Sergio. Nobody saw her after that.


    Marcela Basteri was born on December 10, 1946, in Carrara, Italy. Marcela married Luis Gallegos (better known as Luisito Rey). She married in the early 1970s and moved to San Juan, Puerto Rico, with her husband, where she gave birth to her son. This couple has 3 sons Luis Miguel, Alejandro Basteri and Sergio Basteri.


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