Leslie Durán

  • Actress

    May 6, 1999


    Elkhorn, Wisconsin, USA


    25 Years Old



    Other Information

    Occupation Actress
    Full Name Leslie Durán Huerta
    Nationality American
    Citizenship American
    Residence Delavan
    Known For Acting and Modeling
    Notable Work Movies: The Premiere, Génesis, Emilija, Captive Dinner, Imago
    Education Barton Community College, Kansas State University
    Height 5’1
    Weight 110 lbs (49.8kg)
    Parents Hector Duran, Silvia Huerta


    Mexican-American Actress and Model Leslie Durán had her first appearance in the television series titled “The Blockade Runner” (2017).


    Leslie is a versatile and talented actress, had found her passion, acting, at an early age. Starting at the tender age of four, Leslie has accomplished a lot over the years. She received appreciation from many critics worldwide for her acting skills. Leslie derived her inspiration to become an actress from Spanish soap operas airing in Telemundo and Univision.

    Personal Life

    Leslie Durán Huerta was born on May 06, 1999, in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. She grew up with her parents Hector Duran and Silvia Huerta. She had one older sister and two younger ones.


    Leslie Durán was raised in Delavan, where she attended elementary school. After completing high school, she attends Barton Community College. And she graduated from Kansas State University.


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