Elizabeth Grier
August 27, 1969
North Carolina, USA
55 Years Old
Other Information
Occupation | Instagram & Celebrity |
Full Name | Elizabeth Grier Floyd |
Years Active | 2015-present |
Nationality | American |
Citizenship | United States |
Known For | Mom of Will, Hayes & Nash Grier, and Skylynn Elizabeth Floyd |
Height | 5 feet 4 inches (1.62) |
Weight | 60 kg |
Net Worth | 1-5 Million (approximately) |
Spouses | Johnnie Floyd |
American celebrity mom Elizabeth Grier is popularly known as the mother of famous social media persons Will, Hayes & Nash Grier, and Skylynn Elizabeth Floyd. She also rose her fame on Instagram & YouTube accounts with many fans.
Before Fame
Her Instagram account @therealelizabethgrierfloyd purchased more than 283K followers within a short time.
Elizabeth began her YouTube channel in May 2015, where she uploaded family-related content. For two years her YouTube channel did not share any new videos. Elizabeth is now irregular on YouTube but often maintains her regularity on Instagram.
Family Life
Elizabeth Grier was born on August 27, 1969, in North Carolina, USA. She along with Chad Grier has three sons. After divorcing, Elizabeth married Johnnie Floyd and the couple gave birth to their daughter Skylynn.
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