Zoli Candy

Zolli Candy

online candy shop




online candy shop


Alina Morse

Zolli Candy Info
OriginUnited States
LocationWolverine Lake, Michigan, 30 miles northwest of Detroit
Area ServedUnited States


Zolli Candy is a candy-selling company selling the best-selling sugar-free, healthy candy in the United States. American entrepreneur Alina Morse founded the company when she was nine years old. She developed sugar-free lollipops called Zollipops, hard candy, Zolli Drops, and taffy, Zaffi Taffy. The candy is sold online and in about 25,000 stores in the United States and internationally, totaling US$6 million in sales in 2018.


After founding, her company was formally named Liquid OTC LLC, doing business as LOL, but later it started to gain fame as Zolli Candy, or by the name of its flagship product, Zollipops. It is headquartered in her hometown, Wolverine Lake, Michigan, 30 miles northwest of Detroit.

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