Show Me the Money (JAMES Productions film)

Show Me The Money is a film created by JAMES Productions The film’s plot was created by Bryce Butler, and the script was written by Robert Wood and Director Henry English. The film was released on October 19th, 2022. The movie debuted on the Official JAMES Productions Youtube Channel.
The Plot of Show Me The Money film
A hitman (James Foster) is called into a meeting with a hitman business leader (Bryce Butler). The hitman meets with his leader and is called to execute Robert Wood (Robert Wood), and his reward would be $70,000. For an unknown reason at this point of the film, we do not know why the business leader is putting a hit on Robert Wood. The hitman utters the iconic phrase “Show Me The Money” and he is shown the money. He whistles at the money and leaves. We then cut to the opening credits, which include the song Michael Bublé – Feeling Good (Karaoke Version). Then, we see Robert Wood playing video games on a park bench. It is immediately known that Wood is to be portrayed as an idiot. He wears a “Deez nuts matter” shirt. Suddenly, a rumbling in the bushes was heard. We can see the hitman in the background in the bushes. Wood stands up, looks around, dismisses the situation, and sits back down to go back on the game. We hear another rustling in the bushes, and Wood runs away from the bench in fear. In the bushes, we get an iconic line from James Foster, stating “Show Me The Money” while he fires his gun at Wood. He misses all the shots. As he prepares to shoot his last shot, the gun explodes in his face. He falls back into the bushes. Wood runs away into the forest.
The Hitman gets up and rages at his faulty weapon. We cut to Robert Wood on the phone talking to an unknown friend. He describes the previous events that just occurred, shocked that it was in real life, and not a video game. As he states “Later Alligator” to his friend, he hangs up and looks down the trail he is walking on. We see one of the hardest shots in film history, of the hitman standing upon a small hill, as he pulls a knife out of a tree stump. He runs to catch Wood. Wood runs for only a few meters before falling, and the Hitman has him trapped. The Hitman once again states “Show Me The Money” before Wood shakes a nearby tree. Then, because of the tree shaking, an apple falls from the tree. It hits the hitman, knocking him out. Then, one of the most iconic, and most beautifully crafted lines ever created is uttered by Wood. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Wood walks off, and escapes the clutches of the hitman. We then see the hitman waking up at 12:01 am, showing that he missed the deadline to execute Robert Wood. The hitman says, “Crap”. The credits roll and we then cut to a post-credit scene.
In quite possibly one of the biggest plot twists in film history, we see Robert Wood and The Hitman Leader gaming together, 48 hours before the events of “Show Me The Money”. Wood appears to beat The Leader in this game, and the leader completely gamer rages and he smashes his phone with a hammer. He leaves Wood saying “You’ll pay for this”. As the movie cuts to black. The Leader put a hit out on Wood over a video game.
The production of Show Me The Money was the first film created by the JAMES Productions group, so the group had little experience together. Bryce Butler had the idea to have a film about a bad hitman, and the idea clicked with everyone. Casting and scriptwriting happened at the same time. James Foster taking the starring role, of the Hitman. Robert Wood takes the role of Robert Wood. and Bryce Butler takes the role of the Hitman Leader. Henry English taking the Directing opportunity. The first scene filmed was the opening scene, filmed at Delaware Hayes High School. Foster had to wear a whole nice suit to school, while Butler wore provided clothing. The scene was not too difficult to film. The iconic recurring briefcase made its debut here as well. It was provided to them. After filming that scene, the crew took their equipment home. They met up in the following days at Blue Limestone Park, Delaware, Ohio. To film the rest of the movie. Wood was the first to arrive, and he scouted out a bench to sit at. He found the perfect bench, next to the water, and with bushes in the background.
The iconic “Show Me The Money” bench was born. The crew filmed their scenes and moved on to the trails. Many retakes were filmed here, and even a cut line. The line wasn’t intentionally cut, but due to audio issues, it couldn’t be in the movie. The line was spoken by Wood saying “Hey man, you looking for the pokéstop too?”. The line was to be right after the hard shot of The Hitman. While filming, three unknown women came to the trail and into a tunnel that is seen in the background. While Wood sees them he turns to Foster and loudly whispers “HIDE THE KNIFE”, which was true, a real knife. He was definitely heard by the women. Nothing happens, and the women continue to go into the tunnel.
After a while of filming, the crew smells weed from the tunnel. It was apparent that the three women went into the tunnel to smoke. Butler then screams “Drugs are bad” and the crew speed walks away from the site. Ending their time at blue limestone. Next was the editing process. Bryce Butler, James Foster, and Henry English all contributed to the editing process. As well as ideas for edits by Robert Wood. The music was also assembled by James Foster. While editing, a virus was going around the crew’s school. Foster and English both were sick and couldn’t edit. It was up to Butler to finish up the editing. Fortunately, he did. The Movie was complete. A beautiful craft.
Post Production
JAMES Productions’ first film, the movie was a success. Everybody in the Delaware Hayes Grand Pacer Marching Band was talking about the film. It had a cultural impact. Director Bill Fowles would often say “Show me ___” and it would be to repeat a set in the marching band show. However, with the cultural impact of “Show Me The Money”, he was often interrupted by someone yelling “THE MONEY” after he would state “Show me”. Mainly by JAMES Productions super fan, Kyle Cretella, who would have his own reference in BATMAN. Wood had also learned how to play the film’s main theme, “Feeling Good” by Micheal Buble, on the vibraphone. The phrases “Show Me The Money”, and “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” are still quoted to this day.