Morgan Brookshire LLC

Morgan Brookshire LLC

Financial firm




Financial firm



Morgan Brookshire LLC Info
Legal NameMorgan Brookshire LLC
OriginUnited States
LocationNew York


Morgan Brookshire LLC is a international financial firm and a direct lender that specializes in term loan, credit lines, business credit, short term financing and real-estate financing.


Morgan Brookshire was founded in 2021 by a group of high net worth investors from around the world. These individuals had one goal in mind, to utilize their expertise in the financial arena in the small business world. Their concentration on this goal allowed them to succeed in a short time-frame.

Work to date

Morgan Brookshire has to date over 5,000 transactions funded in term loans, real estate, credit lines and short term business financings. These transactions have varied amounts in term of funding and has allowed these recipients to take their ownership to the next level. Morgan Brookshire has also helped over 2,000 companies obtain business credit through its state of the art business credit building program.

Even bigger growth

Morgan Brookshire utilizes the national business processing services which provides them with exceptional services for national business client processing for all sizes of clients. For a decade, all types of businesses (from the small corner store with less than 100k in revenues to the multi-state public company with 10-figures in revenues) have been sourced and processed using award-winning processing power. This processing allows Morgan Brookshire to quickly determine the worth and eligibility of funding for any type of client that approaches them for funding.

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